Chinese, Japanese, or Korean. Can YOU tell them apart?
I wanted to write something about me not knowing the difference between Chinese, Japanese and Korean. I googled the topic, and this game came up. I didn't play the game, but lots of people did, and I'm going to post some of there comments.
Sorry guys. But really until last week i didn't know where my classmates were from. I didn't know any one from where they were except for Chie Reveves because the story of CHII CHII NAMI NAMIII.

.Take the test!
Some say it's easy to see. Others think it's difficult-maybe even impossible. Who can really tell? That's what we want to find out. We'll show you a series of 18 pictures of CJKs. Select which country each is from and see your score. *And if you're wondering whether or not to take offense, remember: alllooksame is not a statement. It's a question.
Some of the reply for this subject
· Damn, I only got 3-18 right...this is HARD!
· Damn. I really sucked at that 6 out of 18
· Here is something to consider:"Chinese" actually includes a lot of different races and languages (that is spoken language - we have one written language). The major ethnic groups are Han Chinese. But off course there has been interbreeding. "Chinese" should be used in the same way as "European" and not in the same way as "English" or "French".Japanese people live on an island and have had a long history of isolationism and are quite unique. However, some of their culture is derived from China. Buddhism was brought to Japan by the Chinese and also their script. Someone once told me Japanese people are Mongoloid but I am not certain if this is true.I am never certain of someone's race until I hear them speak
· 5/18, damn, that ***** is tough, they make weird faces tho, which to me makes it harder.
· 11/18!! But I’ve been living in Korea for the last 2 years...

· Wow I thought I would actually do very good on this. Apparently I was wrong. I only got 7/18 right! Very VERY hard test.Fun though! Dugg.
· They all look Asian to me.

Those are the people who took the test talking not me.
Sorry every one but now I'm starting to hear that arabs look the same too. So you can write a blog and do a test about us also lol.