Michael Phelps won his historic eighth gold medals out of 8 races, With 14 in total, Phelps now stands alone in sports history with the most Olympic gold medals. He did what NO man on earth has done before. The thing that amazed me is his mother. After every race he wins, he just looks at her and smiles. My title, one of our prophets’ saying, “Your Mother,,,,, Your Mother ,,,,,, Your Mother ,,,,,, Your Father".
A guy came to the prophet and asked him, whom one should love, respect and be their friend the most? The Prophet said, “Your mother" they guy asked then whom? The prophet replayed "then your mother" and he asked again and the answer was "then your mother" after repeating the question 3 times the prophet said “then your father.”

We have lots of things in our religion about mothers and fathers and its always saying the mother first. My mom used to tell me look at the successful people you will find most of them good to their mothers. If your mother is happy and if you’re going to do something that your mother will be proud of, god will help you doing this just for your mother. Michael Phelps is a great example.
He made history, and every time he is doing it the 1st one to look at, his mother.
I love you mom and I hope you’re proud of me being here in Canada and trying 2 get my masters
I wish I can put your head up in the sky just like Michael did with his mom.
Phelps is the maaaaan.
I love the way you linked success to ones relation to his mother.
Once I heard an argument about the Ten Commandments, where the question was "which is the most difficult to keep?" Obviously, for most of us, most of the time, it's relatively easy not to kill people, for example. One of the speakers said the most difficult one is "honor thy father and mother." It's not always easy to see how to do that one best . . . .
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